Project Management!

Take Advantage of the Teachings of Jason Tratch!

Inside you'll learn: 

Project Management Report


Jason Tratch is an experienced business man who has been involved in many different types of businesses and due to this vast experience has created a unique & eclectic approach to PM.

This course is designed around his unique perspective of business culture and shares his checklists and processes based on the PMBOK approach to PM.  However, because of his numerous certifications in other PM approaches, he colors the PMBOK approach to a more realistic world-tested approach to PM.  


PM when taught by someone who is not as experienced such as Jason Tratch can be a lot of paperwork and administrative busy work.  Jason does a good job of eliminating these barriers, making it easier to understand, and when put into the flexible online system, it eliminates the distance & time which is normally found in a 36 hour face to face course.


For more information about this course, click here



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